Multicolored component


function* Example() {
  yield HTML`<h1>Hello!</h1>`;
  yield HTML`<nav>`;
  yield Link("/", "Home");
  yield Link("/about", "About us");
  yield Link("/terms", "Terms");
  yield HTML`</nav>`;
  yield HTML`<p>This is HTML</p>`;
  yield RemoteImage("", "dog playing at the seaside");
  yield RemoteImage("", "a tiger cub and its parent");
  yield CSS("p", "color: red;");
  yield CSS("p:after", "color: deepskyblue; content: ' and this is CSS';");

Output Preview


This is HTML

dog playing at the seaside a tiger cub and its parent


const htmlOutput = processRichHTML(Example);
const cssOutput = processCSS(Example);
const links = Array.from(allLinks(Example));
const invalidLinks = Array.from(validateLinks(links));

HTML Output

<a href="/">Home</a>
<a href="/about">About us</a>
<a href="/terms">Terms</a>
<p>This is HTML</p>
<img src="" alt="dog playing at the seaside">
<img src="" alt="a tiger cub and its parent">

HTML: 408 bytes

CSS Output

output p {color: red;}
output p:after {color: deepskyblue; content: ' and this is CSS';}

CSS: 89 bytes

const toString = (iter) => Array.from(iter).join("");

const htmlOutput = toString(processRichHTML(Example));
const cssOutput = toString(processCSS(Example));
const links = Array.from(allLinks(Example));